News Media Release: November 8, 2021
Seasonal giving came early this year as the Armstrong Garden Club distributed funds to support local food-related initiatives and garden-related programs.
“Thanks to the community, we had a successful plant sale this past May. We’re using the funds we’ve raised to support others in the community that could use some help,” says Glenn Gytenbeek, President of the Armstrong and District Garden Club.
About one in five children experience food insecurity so by providing funds to the Armstrong Food Bank, the Good Fox Box, and food programs at local elementary, middle, and high schools, the Garden Club is helping to provide a consistent, healthy supply of food to students and families.
“We are so grateful for the donation from the Armstrong and District Garden Club to our Breakfast program. It means that all our students can access food in the morning. Having food is a good way to start the school day, ” adds Cora-Lee Baker, Learning Resource Teacher at Len Wood Middle School.
John Hoile of the Lunch Program says, “The Armstrong Garden Club donation helps the lunch program purchase foods that we normally don’t receive through donations. We are now providing 37 lunches to high school, middle school, and elementary students in Armstrong.”
In addition to food programs, the Club provided funds to the Community Gardens to replace rotten garden beds and funds to support the Communities in Bloom Society which is a Canada-wide non-profit which fosters civic pride and environmental responsibility through community involvement.
Two bursaries have also been allocated for Pleasant Valley Secondary School for students pursuing post-secondary education in a field related to agriculture, environmental science, forestry, or similar disciplines.
Armstrong Garden Club is planning to hold another plant sale in May of 2022.
For more information on the Armstrong Garden Club or to find out about how you can join, visit:
For a full list of community donation recipients and amounts, visit: